The fabulous 4 (Sunkist, James, Cali, and PJ) are now A YEAR OLD!!! Its hard to believe- it seems like yesterday they were teeny little bottle babies! THEY STILL NEED HOMES!
Cali is the stunning Torti/Calico girl. She is sweet, but shy. She loves attention and to be petted- but isn't much of the snuggler- she likes to do things on her terms, or she will complain about it.

AND another of Cali
Sunkist is the FEMALE orange tabby. She is sweet, and has a BIG MOUTH. She will talk, and talk, and tell you ALL about how her day went... and if you try to ignore her- she will just talk LOUDER. She is very sweet, and loves to be petted. She will also bump you to get you to rub her head and neck.
JAMES: is the adorable black and white tuxedo box. He is a charmer! He loves to be petted, but more importantly (to him) he loves food. He will beg for food if he thinks there is a chance to get some. He is sweet, affectionate, and smart. He has done some clicker training- but not a lot. We'd like to work more on it, because he is a quick learner!

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