Meet the new arrivals; four spunky kittens who were put in foster care because Moms feral colony was being relocated. During all the stress and fuss of being moved, Mom decided she was too upset to care for her babies so we took them into foster care at 3 weeks of age.
They are about 6 weeks old right now (on June 24th) and are too cute for words!
The biggest is a female calico named Cali (short for Calista). Cali is a very charming, adorable girl who will let you know if she is unhappy (or cold, or hungry, or tired, or bored..well, you get the picture) by MEOWING rather loud! She rewards your attentions with a rumbly purr

Next we have P.J who is an adorable female Tortie! As you can see- she already loves to climb the cat trees!! PJ is a diva who is camera-shy - but she loves to be petted and held, as long as that leads to being able to explore a little on her own!
The next baby is a FEMALE orange tabby (quite unusual as orange tabbies are usually male) named Sunkist (yes, after the beverage). Sunkist is a charming, playful girl who seems to be a picky eater- but we think we have her preferences figured out because she is starting to be a happy eater!
And LAST but DEFINITELY not LEAST; we have JAMES (named after James Bond) who is an adorable Tuxedo- Boy.
James is the smallest of the 4 and is also a picky eater. He is a very sweet and VERY cuddly little guy who prefers to snuggle with the humans than the other cats, kittens, or puppies!
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