If you are interested in meeting or adopting any of the cats or kittens, contact Lori at VFRgrl@yahoo.com!
Jack and Miguel and Haga and JT are all about 1 year old now! Wow, time sure flies!

JT is still as sweet and accepting as ever. Please read his blog entry for more pictures and information- but I wanted to get some new pictures up of everyone.

Jack is as playful, and silly as ever. Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever met a cat with as silly a personality as Jack. Most cats are pretty dignified and act serene and regal even when they are clumsy. I sometimes feel that the more you laugh at Jack, the more he tries to be silly. (If you laugh at my tortie Pirelli- she will be mad at you for weeks).
I don't know why the perfect home hasn't come along for Jack; but we are happy to have him in our home every day. He cheers everyone up with his antics.

Miguel is a little harder to get a good picture of, because he is usually in your face (literally). He still enjoys his face rubs and when he isn't rubbing on your face- he is running around (or away) with the dogs. He is such a sweet cat and has grown to be a pretty big (tall) boy!