To find out more information about adopting Bayliss or any of the other kittens; Email me at VFRgrl@yahoo.com
Bayliss's brother Casey has been adopted; but Bayliss MUST go to a home with another playful cat or kitten. Bayliss (and Casey) on Petfinder (with links to YouTube videos): http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=9452363

Bayliss is about 8-9 months old and is named after Troy Bayliss, 2X World Superbike Champion motorcycle racer (see a theme here?).

Pictured to the right is the human Bayliss with the feline Bayliss- see the resemblance (just kidding!)

Bayliss always looks like he is squinting in pictures for some reason. He is a GORGEOUS Russian Blue mix, who you really have to see in person to appreciate how gorgeous his coat color is.

He is not as outgoing as his brother Casey, but once you get to know him you can see his personality come out. He 'talks' to you- if you say "Bayliss" he will meow back :) He has also become QUITE the beggar for food in the kitchen and will actually hang by his front paws from the drawer pulls and cry if he smells something good on the counter. We try to discourage this behavior, but sometimes it just makes me laugh.

Bayliss has grown up around other kittens, cats, and dogs- and will lay with the dogs sometimes- but he generally doesn't interact with the dogs much. He loves to hang out with the other kittens and play with the other kittens- but he is pretty laid back when compared to some of the others.
Bayliss has a very sweet personality, and has become quite the lap cat. He isn't too fond of people walking up to him and scooping him up, but he will come and sleep on your lap if you call him.
This is a picture of Bayliss asking for treats. He reaches up your leg and 'meows' softly. He is a real sweetheart and deserves a loving home.
If you think that you would like to make Bayliss a part of the family- email for an application at VFRgrl@yahoo.com
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