Note: Jack must be adopted with Miguel (see post WHY TWO KITTENS for their story)
This is Jack, named after Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribean

Jack at 8-9 weeks old!!!
Why Captain Jack?
Well, Jack is very adventuresome and mischievious- just like his name sake. He certainly brings a smile to our face every day!
Jack loves to play, and I honestly feel like he has a sense of humor. I know, I know- he is a cat BUT sometimes it seems he does silly things just to make us laugh or to startle us.
He was in the habit of laying flat on his back on the cat tree- and when you would walk by (or the unsuspecting DOG would walk by). He would drop like a stone (head first) either right in front of you, or in the case of the dog- right on TOP of you.
Jack LOVES food and treats!
Jack also loves his brother Miguel and all of his foster brothers.
When we first got Jack (for more info; see post titled Why TWO?) we had an adult French Bulldog named Rufus. Jack and Rufus eventually came to an understanding and would play together. Rufus was very protective of his food- and Jack would tease him by standing with all 4 feet in Rufus's bowl when Rufus was distracted. Jack would also sneak up on Rufus and steal his kibble and run away.

One morning we woke up and Rufus was dead. We found out later he had an asymptomatic/undiagnosed tumor on his liver that caused him to bleed to death internally. We were heartbroken and beside ourselves with undescribable grief. Jack seemed to know we were upset, and the entire day was next to us, in our lap, cuddled under our arms. He seemed to know when we just needed comfort- or we needed a distraction because he would run pell-mell into the room and tumble VERY ungracefully across the floor; of course it would make us smile.

Jack has this amazingly silly personality and literally makes me smile at his antics every day. If there is a cat stuck in a drawer in the closet despite all clues telling you it is impossible- it is 99.9% of the time going to be Jack...
If there is something he wants- he will come and "talk" to you about it and genuinely acts surprised when you don't know what 'maow MAOW' means. He doesn't meow a lot, mostly these short little maow..maowmaow while looking at you like "HELLO... I'm telling you ...." and it is most likely related to food- or his perceived lack of food at that particular moment in time.
He does like to snuggle on your lap- but not for long periods of time, as inevitably something will catch his interest and he is off to explore it in the most ungraceful way a feline could :)
He is a wonderful, loveable, unique and special little guy who would be a great fit in almost any home. I guarantee he will make you smile.